Venue Munich

Design Offices „Macherei“
Weihenstephaner Str. 12
81673 München


Bavarian Semiconductor Congress 2025

Bavaria is one of the leading locations in Europe for the semiconductor and microelectronics industry. To further strengthen the sector and make supply chains more resilient, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs launched the Semiconductor Initiative in 2021. With the support of the Bavarian Chips Alliance, we are continuously expanding cluster and network structures as well as consistently working on securing the future of Bavaria's semiconductor industry and positioning it optimally on an international level.

With the 4th Bavarian Semiconductor Congress, the Ministry of Economic Affairs is continuing the successful Bavarian industry meeting. You may look forward to informative presentations and discussions with renowned experts on the current situation as well as on future challenges and development opportunities. Use our digital matchmaking platform to find the ideal conversation partners and establish important contacts, all while adhering to GDPR regulations. Get in contact with professionals from the semiconductor industry at our exhibition and further expand your network. It is time for the next step in the Bavarian Semiconductor Initiative. Be there.


9:00 AM Registration and start of the exhibition
  Opening and thematic introduction
10:00 AM Adress of welcome
Moderation | Dr. Klaus-Peter Potthast
Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
10:05 AM Keynote | Bavarian Semiconductor Initiative
Hubert Aiwanger
Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy
10:25 AM Keynote | Strengthening Europe's sovereignty: Semiconductors are essential!
Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler, MdEP
Chairwoman of the CSU Group in the European Parliament
10:45 AM Keynote | National Microelectronics Strategy
11:05 AM



  • Hubert Aiwanger, StMWi
  • Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler, MdEP
  • N.N., BMWK
  • Laith Altimime, SEMI Europe
11:40 AM Keynote | Empowering the Chip Industry
Laith Altimime
President of SEMI Europe
12:00 AM Lunch break and trade exhibition
  Expert sessions with keynote speeches and panel discussion
FOCUS: Materials for Microelectronics
Moderation | Prof. Dr. Christoph Kutter
Head of Frauhofer EMFT
1:00 PM Impulse Presentation | Power Materials
Dr. Michael Heckmeier
Board Member Siltronic AG
1:15 PM Impulse Presentation | Cadmium Telluride in Medical Computed Tomography
Kurt Stadlthanner
Project Manager Siemens Healthineers AG
1:30 PM

PITCH-SESSION: Innovations in Materials for Microelectronics

Amorphous Hafnium Oxide and Tantalum Oxides for Memristors, Prof. Thomas Mikolajick | Managing Director NaMLab gGmbH
Novel Composite Materials for Innovative High-Frequency Components, Dr. Christian Hoffmann | Prinicpal Engineer Qualcomm
Magnetic Stacks, N.N. | Infineon AG

1:55 PM

Panel Discussion


  • Dr. Michael Heckmeier, Siltronic AG
  • Kurt Stadlthanner, Siemens Healthineers AG
  • Prof. Thomas Mikolajick, NaMLab gGmbH
  • Dr. Christian Hoffmann, Qualcomm
  • N.N., Infineon AG
2:30 PM Coffee break and trade exhibition
  Expert sessions with keynote speeches and panel discussion
FOCUS: Pilot Lines
Moderation | Prof. Amelie Hagelauer
Head of Frauhofer EMFT
3:15 PM Impulse Presentation | Introduction to the APECS pilot line
Prof. Albert Heuberger
Head of Fraunhofer IIS
3:25 PM Impulse Presentation | Introduction to the WBG pilot line
Prof. Jörg Schulze
Head of Fraunhofer IISB
3:35 PM Impulse Presentation | Introduction to the NanoIC pilot line
Inge Asselberghs
IMEC vzw.
3:45 PM Impulse Presentation | Introduction to the FAMES pilot line
Bruno Paing
3:55 PM

Panel Discussion


  • Prof. Albert Heuberger, Fraunhofer IIS
  • Prof. Jörg Schulze, Fraunhofer IISB
  • Bruno Paing, LETI
  • Inge Asselberghs, IMEC
  Closing Keynote
Keynote on Semiconductor-X

Moderation | Jürgen Frickinger
Head of Bavarian Chips Alliance
4:30 PM Keynote
Getting Europe to play a vital role in semiconductor industry through Semiconductor-X, design capabilities and expansion of the Eco-System

Sonja Pierer
Managing Director at Intel Germany Services GmbH

Hansjörg Briegel
Vice President – Product & Design Ecosystem Enabling (PDE) at Intel Germany Services GmbH

4:50 PM Outlook on upcoming activities of the Bavarian Chips Alliance and farewell
Jürgen Frickinger | Bavarian Chips Alliance
5:00 PM Evening event at the exhibition


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Recaps 2024